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COVID-19 & St. Aidan's: 


* Through the end of 2020 we will hold all of our public worship services remotely.


* To access our services remotely at 8 and 10 AM on Sunday, please feel free to reach out to the parish administrator for our Zoom link and phone-in information:


* We are currently continuing to run our Friday Food Pantry as an essential service in San Francisco. We have changed our set-up and distribution practices to incorporate social distancing.


* In shifting away from in-person gatherings through 2020, we are applying to our particular context the guidance of the Episcopal Diocese of California of which we are a part.


* The Presiding Bishop of the Episcopal Church has also put out a statement and guidance here 


* Our intention is to be supportive, careful stewards of this community, responding to the presence of COVID-19 in San Francisco and the wider Bay Area with care and caution.



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