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Adult Christian Formation




At St. Aidan’s we explore various topics in our tradition to deepen our spiritual engagement and inspire our action in the world. We do discussion series on particular topics, we host special speakers and workshops, we read books and articles, we watch films, and (when we're able to gather in person) we eat delicious, home-cooked food along the way! As the pandemic continues, we are meeting remotely-- and actually doing more Wednesday evening series from 7-8PM after 6:30 PM Evening Prayer. So come, join us! For Zoom access information, please reach out to the parish administrator at


Speakers, Workshops, and Panels

- “Signs and Songs of the Times: An Evening with Ana Hernandez”– October 18, 2017

- Readings from Uprooting Racism: How White People Can Work for Racial Justice with Paul Kivel – October, 2017

- “Everything Is Connected: An Evening of Stories. Most Weird. Many True.”with Peterson Toscano – March 16, 2018

- “Racial Justice & Faith Communities”with J. Kameron Carter – January 26, 2019

- “Struggling in Good Faith”Panel on LGBTIQ Inclusion from various religious perspectives, co-sponsored with - Congregation Sha’ar Zahav – June, 2018

- A Conversation on The Soul of the Stranger: Reading God and Torah from a Transgender Perspective with Joy - Ladin – June 8, 2019


Book Series

- Verna Dozier, The Dream of God: A Call to Return – Lent, 2017

- James Cone, The Cross and the Lynching Tree – May and June, 2017

- Walter Brueggemann, Reality, Grief, Hope: Three Urgent Prophetic Tasks – Fall, 2017

- Kelly Brown Douglas, Stand Your Ground: Black Bodies and the Justice of God – Fall, 2019

- Barbara C. Harris, Hallelujah Anyhow! A Memoir  August, 2020 


Seasonal Series

- Easter 2020 Seasonal Bible Study on the Writings of the Apostle Paul, using the Norton Critical Anthology by Wayne Meeks, The Writings of Paul

- Lent, 2020 Walter Brueggemann's The Prophetic Imagination

- Lent, 2016: “Listen for a Change: Sacred Conversations for Sacred Justice”

- Advent, 2016: “People of Faith in Troubling Times”

- Advent, 2017 “Another World Is Coming: Stories of Hope and Anticipation for Advent”

- Fall, 2018 “Becoming What We Receive: A Brief Catechesis”

- Advent, 2018 “Guide Our Feet: An Advent Series on Discernment”

- Lent, 2018 “Forgive Us As We Forgive”

- May, 2018 “Guide Us Into the Way of Peace: a series on preparing for end-of-life concerns, decisions, and questions”

- Lent and Easter, 2019 “Sacred Ground: A Film Dialogue Series on Race and Faith”drawn from the Episcopal Church


Wrestling with Scripture Monthly Bible Study: Have you ever had biblical passages that you wanted to discuss with someone? Especially passages that are difficult or inscrutable in some way? We trade off leadership each month and bring various commentaries and translations to the table, not always resolving our questions but airing them and sharing perspectives, enriching our understandings along the way. Join us on the first Tuesday of the month at 10:30 AM. We generally talk for an hour (and no later than an hour and a half). Please reach out to if you would like the Zoom access information. We look forward to seeing you!

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